![Αποτέλεσμα εικόνας για india map](https://geology.com/world/map-of-indian-states.gif)
Μία 19χρονη μουσουλμάνα στήν Βορειοανατολική Ινδία, είχε κρυφή "παράνομη" πολύμηνη σχέση με έναν ινδουϊστή νεαρό, αλλά η οικογένειά της τήν ανακάλυψε!
Οι τοπικοί δημοτικοί αρμόδιοι, επειδή θεώρησαν ότι τους προσέβαλε "βαθιά" αυτό που έκανε, τήν ΕΔΕΣΑΝ γερά σέ ένα δένδρο και τήν ...ΜΑΣΤΙΓΩΝΑΝ πέντε ολόκληρες ώρες, μέχρι που η (αμετάπιστη στόν έρωτά της) κοπέλλα λυποθύμησε!....
Muslim woman tied to tree for five hours and whipped for trying to elope with Hindu man vows to marry him
The Indian couple had run off to get married but the girl's family tracked her down A young Muslim woman has been tied to a tree for five hours and whipped after she ran off with her Hindu boyfriend to get married.
The village council ordered the 19-year-old to be punished for bringing dishonour to the village after her family managed to track her down.
The Muslim woman had been dating her Hindu lover for more than 18 months and told reporters that she was "ready for any punishment".
She said: “I love the boy and will marry him come what may.
“I don’t believe in castes or religions.
"I am 19-year-old and can well decide whom I should marry, whom I should not,” she asserted.
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