Δευτέρα 10 Οκτωβρίου 2022

Τά είπε Ο Λ Α σέ μόλις 2΄, πρίν 30 χρόνια! Φ Ο Β Ε Ρ Ο ΒΙΝΤΕΟ! Αξίζει νά τό διαδώσετε! [ Καί Κρατήστε το! ]



Mr. Terry L. Cook has been a published author since 1994 and has written more than a dozen best selling books since then. 

He holds AA, AS, BA, BS, and MBA Degrees, plus two college teaching credentials and two college certificates. 

He is a retired Government Professional, a Military War Veteran, and a former National Guard Officer. He is also an FAA licensed Commercial Jet Airplane Pilot (ATP) with 3000 hours of total flying experience. 

Additionally, he has appeared as an expert guest on thousands of international radio and TV shows during the past 25 years, including the prestigious 2012 H2-History Channel TV special entitled, “Countdown To Apocalypse”, which was re-aired thereafter on Global television for several more years. 

But of all of his life's experiences, writing is his passion. 

This book is his first fictional novel and he hopes you enjoy it. Please my website at www.DukeOfHell.com for more info. 

Thank you! Terry L. Cook

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