Τρίτη 9 Οκτωβρίου 2018

Every day hundreds of Dutch school children are forced to ...bow to Islam ! ('VIDEO')


Groep 8 bezoekt de Moskee aan de Amelandlaan naar aanleiding van een lessencyclus over Wereldgodsdiensten.

Shocking video footage and a report from the Dutch organisation “Klap uit de school”, show that numerous Dutch children are forced to bow to Islam.
The video footage above originates from 2016-2018 and especially at the end it becomes clear that many schools visit mosques.
Αποτέλεσμα εικόνας για MIGRANTS IN NETHERLANDS

The Dutch organisation Klap uit de school says that every day several classes of children are forced to have excursions to mosques during which they have to pray for Islam.

Children are visiting “mosques that frequently invited Salafi preachers, call unbelievers dogs and call for jihad”, Klap uit de school reports on its website.

“Mosques that are under control of the Turkish government organisation Diyanet, and which are called our barracks by Erdogan,” are visited, as well, according to the website.

Αποτέλεσμα εικόνας για MIGRANTS IN NETHERLANDS

“Dutch children are instructed by the imam to kneel and to pray” which is according to the organisation “not an innocent ritual but part of the Islamic strategy of conquest”.

The organisation wants to advise parents about their rights in keeping their children away from these sorts of excursions. Another goal is to protect Dutch school children against Islamic indoctrination.

A full report is available on the website of Klap uit de school, but probably limited to Dutch residents only, as it can only be delivered by post.

The Netherlands is rapidly waking up from a multicultural dream dominated by Islam. A poll showed that a proposal of Geert Wilders to ban Islamic expressions from public space was widely supported by the public.


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